No more emergencies:
Patient Monitoring

What our patient monitoring has to offer
comjoodoc PATIENT MONITORING is a professional solution for the close monitoring of patients in long term health care processes. This includes chronically ill patients, patients after serious surgery, patients in long term therapies or in preparation for intensive surgeries such as transplantations. In all of these situations, personal care and the monitoring of patients using comjoodoc PATIENT MONITORING is the key for the highest possible quality of care and life.
Patient monitoring for health care providers…
Using our Patient Management Scope, healthcare providers can easily transfer plans for therapies, medications, care, laboratory data and more from their connected system or via web access. The patient dashboard shows the status of each patient using a traffic light system. This allows for immediate decisions about necessary interventions and for direct coordination with the patient and the care team.
The Patient Management Scope helps healthcare providers to easily monitor patient data and intervene immediately before critical situations arise. In order to have a positive effect on the therapy, healthcare providers can provide the patient with information and track the results with which these have been implemented.
During the care process, many questions arise that need to be clarified in consultation hours or via telephone calls. This can be time-consuming and disturb the daily routine. Using comjoodoc, these questions can be answered efficiently via chat or video, again increasing the level of care and quality of life for the patients.

… and for patients
comjoodoc EASY is our intuitive app for patients.
With comjoodoc EASY, patients can transmit data to health care providers within agreed periods of time. This can involve any type of data, the most usual being vital signs, state of health and confirmations for actions. The scope of the values to be transmitted can be adjusted during the course of the monitoring.
Patients’ behavior has a substantial influence on the success of their therapy and their own quality of life. In contrast to pure monitoring systems, comjoodoc PATIENT MONITORING supports changes in behavior with intelligent functions and makes their success visible for the patient and the health care provider.
Patients receive comjoodoc EASY and daily instructions from their health care providers, continuously report health data and can ask urgent questions or receive advice on how they can contribute to good therapy results and improve their quality of life.
The advantages at a glance
✓ Patients must be called in as infrequently as possible
✓ Supports interdisciplinary and intersectoral cooperation in care teams
✓ Maximum legal certainty
✓ Supports decision-making regarding intervention before risk situations
✓ Scientifically applicable
✓ Involvement of patients in studies is possible
✓ Available as a web service, as an app or for integration with existing systems
✓ Enables the integration of existing patient apps as a data source or target
✓ Reusable for all care scenarios and indications (diabetes, COPD etc.)

Maximum legal certainty
comjoodoc is a communications service provider with special requirements for the security and integrity of communications systems. We guarantee maximum legal security for all products.
✓ EU DSGVO compliant
✓ Medical device CE class 1
✓ In-depth expert opinion from medical law experts
✓ Positive data protection vote at Charité Berlin
✓ Operation in certified national computer centers
✓ Anonymous personal data
✓ End-to-end encrypted real-time communication
✓ Encrypted data transport, encrypted data storage
comjoodoc PATIENT MONITORING in action
The DACE-Project – short for Digital Allround Care Ecosystem – was started in March 2018. With the help of the technology program “Smart Service Welt II”, created by the Federal Ministry of Economics and Energy, this secure, comprehensive and digital health platform with integrated interaction and communication functions has been developed.